Tuesday | March 25, 2025
The Right-of-Way is roughly 66 to 80 feet wide or 33 to 40 feet from the center of the street to the property line on most Township roads. Within that 66 to 80 feet, the Road District assumes many responsibilities:
- Asphalt Patching
- Asphalt Resurfacing
- Drainage
- Gravel Shouldering
- Inspection of all Contract Services
- Litter Pick-Up
- Roadside Mowing
- Road Striping
- Traffic Control Signing
- Street Signage
- Tree Removal
- Winter Snow and Ice Control
Due to these responsibilities and liabilities, it is necessary that residents DO NOT encumber the Right-of-Way with trees or shrubs, rocks or decorative stone, brick or masonry mailboxes, or signs such as real estate or political. The crew of the Road District appreciates the cooperation of the residents.