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Wayne Township History
11 records found

Biography of Aaron Blank (1825-1914), by his son-in-law, John G. Van Ness, June 2, 1934.

"A Life Sketch" of Dr. E. C. Guild (1832-1908), by Mattie G. Squires

A brief sketch of the life of Henry Allen Smith (1843-1908), written by his daughter Beulah B. Smith in June, 1954.

Biography of Isaac Coleby Pickering (1832-1907), no attribution or date provided.
posted Jun-26-08 updated Aug-23-13

A biography of Jonas George Blank (1834-1907), by his son, Warren Moffatt Blank, read at the annual meeting of the Wayne Center Cemetery Association on June 17, 1933.

Copies of pages containing photos or sketches of Jonas Blank, Dr. E. C. Guild, Henry A. Smith, I. C. Pickering, J. R. Gorham, Wm. O. Pratt, H. Wrightson, and Aaron Blank (dated 1890 through 1925)

"A Brief History of the Wayne Center Cemetery," by Paul B. Phillips, June 16, 1934

Description of the "Wayne Center Lawn" (Cemetery) by William I. Phillips, 1930.
posted Jun-26-08 updated Aug-23-13

Copies of address by Milton Paula and newspaper stories on occasion of dedication of a flag pole and flag at the Wayne Center Cemetery on July 9, 1955

Biography of William Irving Phillips (1847-1933), by his son, Paul B. Phillips, dated June 16, 1934.

Biography of William Orlando Pratt (1846-1929), by his daughter Mrs. J. J. (Clara) Dunton, read at the annual meeting of the Wayne Center Cemetery Association, June 17, 1933.